Gyroplane Flight Instruction at the Event

Gyroplane Flight Instructors are few and far between. Fortunately, there are some excellent instructors who generally show up at the Bensen Days Event. This is a list of Gyroplane Flight Instructors in the Southeast who often frequent Bensen Days and have been known to offer instruction (usually before and after the actual event) and/or introductory flights in gyroplanes during the event.

If you are interested in flight instructions or introductory rides, please contact one of the following for pricing and scheduling. It is in your best interest to make such arrangements well before the event to ensure availability. Note that not all these instructors may be at Bensen Days on a given year and others not listed may show up without notification.

Steve McGowan CFI — Macon Downtown Airport (KMAC), Macon, Georgia. Steve McGowan instructs in both open and enclosed gyroplanes. He uses a modified Parsons 2-place and a SparrowHawk gyroplane. Contact Steve McGowan by phone at (478) 461-1451 or by email at

Greg Spicola CFI — Tampa North Airport (X39), Lutz, Florida. Greg Spicola provides instruction in a Dominator 2-place gyroplane, an Apollo or American Ranger gyroplane, or your aircraft. He is also available to travel for reasonable compensation. Contact Greg Spicola by phone at (813) 505-0881 or by email at

Herbie Lewis CFI — North Palm Beach County (F45) Palm Beach, FL. Herbie holds Sport Pilot, Private & Commercial rating. Provides instruction in a ELA Eclipse and will also train in any two-place gyro. Contact Herbie Lewis at (561) 531-1694 or by email at

Mark Sprigg CFI  — Jack Edwards Airport (KJKA) Gulf Shores, AL. Mark Sprigg trains in Magni aircraft or your aircraft and may be available for services at other airports by prearrangement. Contact Mark Sprigg by phone at (573) 275-4441 or by email at

Corey Kirkwood CFI DPE ASEL AMEL RGP — Foley Municipal Airport (5R4) Foley, AL. Corey provides training and gyro maintenance at this location. Contact Corey at Coreymitchellkirkwood@gmail 

Jason Wilkinson Sport Pilot CFI — Central Florida Area Contact Jason Wilkinson via email at

Greg Clare Sport Pilot CFI — Northern Alabama and South Central Tennessee Area. Rest in peace Greg

Vance Breese CFI — Nipomo, California. Additional information for Vance Breese at Contact Vance Breeze at (805) 680-9523 or

Steve Bacon CFI Skyhaven Airport (KDAW) Rochester, New Hampshire. Steve provides instruction in a Magni M-16 and has access to a M-24. He also trains at Gulf Shores, AL. Contact Steve at (603) 502-1357 or Website:

Peter Kalev CFI — Whiteman Airport (KWHP) Pacoima, CA. Peter provides training in a AR1 by Silverlight Aviation as well as AR1 sales. He also is a dealer for the Kallithea by Nikki Rotor Aviation and will provide transitional training to buyer when purchased. Please visit his website for more information. Contact Peter at (323) 630-4901 or Website:

Gyrocopter Flight Training Academy — Sebastian Airport (X26) Sebastian , FL. This flight school has three (3) CFI’s and trains in a Argon 915, AR1 and a Nisus. Please visit their website for more information at or call (904) 710-6656.